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Thank you for providing accessible ways for students to learn! Additionally, we appreciate your kind consideration and willingness to keep the community safe!


A. L.

Thank you for your flexibility, compassion, and drive to provide an excellent education no matter the circumstances!


Carla Lane

Wow! The SMA faculty and staff are amazing! We can't thank you enough for your tireless efforts and hours you put in to making our girls successful! We are blessed!


Katy Bante


A huge thank you for the teachers. Thank you so much for all your hard work and support during this difficult time. Your humility, kindness, and strength are greatly appreciated. Thank you. Stay safe!



Thank you for holding on! No one expected the academic year to go this way, but you’ve stayed resilient all throughout. Please continue to take care! You’re not alone!



I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the healthcare providers for putting themselves at risk to fight the covid 19 especially those working on the frontline.


A. S.

Thank you students for the work you all do everyday during this pandemic.Your hard work will help many patients in the future!



I know that school has changed a lot for you, but you are all adapting and digging in and doing your best to make the best of things. The character each and every one of you has demonstrated make me so proud to be part of SMA



Jonathan A.

The future generation of the greatest doctors and nurses all helping the current generation nurse every patient to health. Your contribution now will translate into saving the lives of many now and many more lives in the future. Keep learning, and keep being awesome.



I know high school is hard enough as it is without a whole global pandemic going on, so I just wanna commend you on how you've been handling all of this. No matter how hard it gets, just know you have so many people in your corner. I'm rooting for you :D !



Thank you for all the sacrifices you make to help patients right now. It is a tough time but y’all are incredibly strong and make so many sacrifices for the people in need. We can’t thank y’all enough. Y’all are truly heroes. 


Annie V.

To all of our amazing SMA students, your resilience and commitment to learning are recognized and appreciated. Witnessing your dedication to your studies, your peers, your communities... your flexibility and strength to rise to the challenge of this new day... your actions and Blazer spirit... all of these and more contribute to our faith that the future is going to be brighter. Stay strong, stay healthy.


A. Williams

I can't thank the faculty and staff enough at St. Mary's for their constant support and encouragement during this time full of unknowns, fear, and stress. The world is changing before our eyes and having the loving support of this community is priceless. I am so grateful for all of you. Many blessings to all of you and your families. xoxo


Karen Sottosanti

Thank you to the SMA Faculty members who have been thrown a huge curve ball! You have addressed so many challenges and taken care of not only your families but your extended student families. Thank you for your commitment to St. Mary's, and to your students and their futures.



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© Copyright 2019 Adry Williams


Tel.- 303.762.8300

4545 S. University Boulevard, 

Englewood, CO 80113

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