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High School Newsletter









It is November, traditionally a time to reflect and give thanks for all that we have been blessed with. A month where many of us focus on being thankful and take time to show our gratitude to the people in our lives and the things that we have. 


We’re living through unusual and trying times. The COVID-19 pandemic has people feeling stressed and frightened. This is a hard time for the world, because of the direct health and economic impacts and also the pervasive uncertainty. Our values are our best touchstone in such moments: our concern for people’s health and wellbeing; our commitment to teaching, both in the academic sense and by example of our behavior; and our appreciation for a sense of connection at work and in our personal lives. 


That’s why it’s perhaps more important than ever to focus on gratitude — the practice of noticing and being thankful for what is valuable and meaningful to us. It’s good for our mental and physical health, it can help us relax and its effects can help us stay well through the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.


Yes, I Said Gratitude Is Good for our Health. Focusing on silver linings. Counting our blessings. Stopping to smell the roses. These aren’t just cliches; they’re activities that research shows may enhance our quality of life. Gratitude is a relationship-strengthening emotion because it requires us to recognize how we’ve been supported and affirmed by other people. It makes us less likely to take what we have for granted, makes us more aware of life in the moment. 


Why Do We Need Gratitude Now? In times of crisis, it’s important to stay connected to others, and among its many other benefits, gratitude can help with this, too. Because gratitude is a “social emotion” connected to relationships, those practising it tend to be more helpful to others and more compassionate. They are more outgoing, more forgiving, feel less lonely or isolated.


As for myself, I have so much to be thankful for, I would like to take this brief space to share with you some of my reflections. I am thankful to God for all the blessings at St. Mary’s Academy School. I am thankful that God has blessed this school with an outstanding faculty and staff that sets high expectations for our students and works hard to help them achieve their goals. 


I am thankful that during this challenging time, our St. Mary’s staff and faculty have shown us the true character of our school community. They have demonstrated their incredible care for and commitment to our students. Although circumstances have dramatically altered their plans for research and teaching, they have stepped up at an important moment. They have shared their collective wisdom and resources with colleagues across the school, working rapidly and tirelessly to rewrite syllabi and take all of our educational efforts in person and online. I know how meaningful their efforts are for our students, and I want them to know how much all of us appreciate their hard work.


I also want to thank and recognize the dedication of our exceptional staff across the school. At a time of great need, they have stepped forward with flexibility, resilience and resolve. In addition to keeping our campus clean and safe, they are providing the entire IT infrastructure that is making all of our endeavors possible – from online classes, to Zoom meetings, to keeping our Learning Management System running smoothly. For many members of our school community, this has been a demanding time. So many of them have worked round-the-clock, night and day, without rest or relief. They have had to adjust work schedules. While words may be of little comfort, I want them to know this. We all see their efforts. We appreciate all of their contributions. And we are all truly grateful for their extraordinary service.


I am also thankful for our Parents, Grandparents, Supporters, and Volunteers who support our school, not only financially, but also volunteering and with prayer. And of course I am so thankful for my family and friends.


And last but not least. please be sure to pay close attention to this month’s calendar, as there are some exciting events taking place this month. This monthly newsletter is designed to help keep you informed about the happenings at school and other useful information. Feel free to email me should you require further information.


Happy Thanksgiving! 


Adriana Williams


Classes Resume

Monday, November 2



Classes will start at 9:00 a.m.

November 2-6


Mental Health Workshop with Dr. Terri. Findley

Monday, November 2

5:00 p.m. Zoom


Prayer Service

Tuesday, November 3

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM


Academy Parents Meeting

Thursday, November 5

8:45 AM - 10:00 AM


Lisa Damour Presentation (Students only)

Thursday, November 5



Virtual Hour with Dr. Damour for Parents

Thursday, November 5

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Classes will start at 8:30 a.m.

Regular Schedule

November 9-13 & 16-19


Spirit Week

November 9-13


Late Start Schedule

Wednesday, November 11


Prayer and Conversation for Parents

Wednesday, November 11

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM



Picture Retakes

Wednesday, November 11

11:45 AM - 1:05 PM


Thanksgiving pies collection

November 17 and 18


Late Start/Clubs Schedule

Wednesday, November 18


Grandparents Day 

Friday, November 20

 Postponed to Spring 2020


Thanksgiving Break

November 20-29

Academy Closed: No School


Classes Resume

Monday November 30

Classes r.png

Monday, November 2-6 

Every day this week classes will start at 9:00 a.m., but will follow the regular day schedule of:

A: 9:00-10:00           Lunch: 12:00-12:35


1: 9:00-9:30               C: 12:40-2:10


2: 9:30-10:00             7: 12:40-1:23 


B: 10:05-11:35             8: 1:27-2:10


4: 10:05-10:48           D: 2:15-3:45


5: 10:52-11:35.             9: 2:15-2:58


Adv.:11:40-12:00        10: 3:02-3:45

Mental Health Workshop
Monday, November 2

5:00 p.m. Zoom

SMAbotics is hosting a Mental Health Workshop with Dr. Terri. Findley. He will be talking about "hustle culture" and why it's good to pace yourself before you burn out, how mental health can impact your productivity, and some strategies to deal with mental health during COVID. The event will be hosted over Zoom and all are welcome to attend (family, friends, etc.).Meeting ID: 810 941 7182

Passcode: 8dtbME


Prayer Service

Tuesday, November 3, 

11:40 AM Zoom


 A virtual prayer service meeting

will be held via Zoom.

This is a student only event

Academy Parents Meeting

Thursday, November 5

8:45-10:00 AM Zoom


Monthly Academy Parents Board meetings are via zoom from 8:45 am to 10:00 am. These meetings are casual, and all are welcome. No need to RSVP, just join if you can! Come hear about all the exciting things happening in the high school! Our guest this month is Peter Estacio SMA Chief Technology Officer. To get the zoom link please contact Lea Frank


Lisa Damour Presentation

Thursday, November 5 

2:40 PM - 3:45 PM 

Dr. Lisa Damour will be speaking to our SMirls. Dr. Damour is a clinical psychologist, a best-selling author, a New York Times columnist, a regular contributor to CBSNews, and an expert on girls and adolescents. Dr. Damour will discuss the different building blocks of civil discourse and the different ways to cultivate our ability to have tough conversations productively. 


This is a student only event


Virtual Hour with

Dr. Damour for Parents

Thursday, November 5 

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 

Dr. Lisa Damour returns to SMA to talk about managing stress and anxiety levels, building mental fitness, and parenting under COVID-19.Please watch for a Zoom link for the evening program. Dr. Damour is a clinical psychologist, expert on adolescence, best-selling author and New York Times columnist. She is also an alumna of the SMA Middle School, and we are very fortunate to have her return to our campus via zoom this year, 


Spirit Week
November 9-13

During Spirit Week, students celebrate their school pride by participating in dress up days throughout the week to earn spirit points for their grade.



Monday - Halloween Day:  Since we were not able to be here for Halloween, use today to show off your amazing costume. 


Tuesday - School stereotypes  On this day students dress up as school stereotypes. Everyone is stereotyped by something. Whether a person who likes to play sports is labeled as jock, or a person who likes to play video games and gets called a geek, oftentimes the stereotype is not accurate. Some kinds of stereotypes: jocks, geeks/nerds, popular, preps, thespians, Hipsters,  Mean girls, Goth/Emo, etc


Wednesday - Jungle Cruise Day! - Dress up as an animal or a tourist who likes to view these animals on the SMA Jungle Cruise. 


Thursday - Decade day:  dress in any outfit from the past (ex: 70’s disco, early 2000’s, 1700’s colonial, cavemen era, any decade you like!)


Friday - Class colors day:  all grades dress up in their specific class color and and decorate their advisors door to win spirit points


Late Start Schedule

Wednesday, November 11 


Prayer and Conversation for Parents

November 11 9:30 AM


– Prayer and Conversation for Parents –


This is a hard time for many, especially parents. So, St. Mary’s Academy is offering an opportunity on Zoom for parents to get together to pray for each other, their children, and parents and children in our community and around the world.


The format will be an open time of sharing what is on our hearts and minds, praying for the students requests, then a brief time of silent prayer together and Adriana Williams will close with a prayer.


Since time is limited, and different times work for different people, there will be another opportunity on Wednesday, December 9th (9:30 a.m.), Father Sam Morehead will lead the December meeting. 


If neither of these work for you, please let Adriana know and she’ll find a time. Blessings on you all. To register for this event, please click here


     More information?                      Prayer Request?                                  Questions? 

Picture Retakes

Wednesday, November 11

11:45 AM - 1:05 PM

In front of Sanders House/ 

Circular Drive

If you were absent on picture day, or if you need a re-take,  Advisors will be taking their advisees to have their pictures retaken (if desired).


Please remind your daughter about these photo retakes, as they will be used in the 2020-21 yearbook.


Thanksgiving Pies

November 17 and 18

8:30 AM & 3:45 PM 


Late Start/Clubs schedule

Wednesday, November 18th


Grandparents Day

Friday., November 20th

POSTPONED to Spring 2020


Thanksgiving Break

Academy Closed: No School

November 20-29


Classes Resume

Monday, November 30


Express Your Thanks


Right now, our SMA community is stronger than ever. Our healthcare workers and hospital staff are providing compassionate and collaborative care. Our educators are showing innovation and persistence to make sure learning doesn't stop. SMA faculty and staff are working together—many of them remotely—to ensure students and employees in need receive support. And our student body is lending a hand and uplifting each other in new ways. For all this and more, we say thank you. We're grateful to you, our SMA family, for rising to the challenge in these unprecedented times.


Would you like to save this calendar for your personal use? You may click on the "calendar" tab on top of this page, where you can save the events on google calendar.  


Parents please make sure to check out the rest of my website, specially the "news and events" page. As well as the "articles" page, where you will also find interesting information.


While navigating through the website should you require a password, make sure to enter sma please do not share this password, the website contains information intended only for the St.Mary's Academy community. Thanks!


As always, I encourage you to please continue to refer to our school website, and our social media pages for additional information. For your convenience, helpful links and resources are posted on this page as well.

SMA 2020-21 Reopening Plan


Readiness to Reopen FAQ This FAQ follows up on questions raised from our Reopening Plans, and shares our latest improvements on campus.


SMA Family Handbook:  It is important for students and parents/guardians to refer to the handbook with any questions.  If you have further questions, do not hesitate to reach out.  


SMA Calendar :  This is a good resource for upcoming events; it doesn't necessarily have all the details but it has all the big stuff.


Community Portal Everything you need as an SMA family - in one place.


PCR PCR is used for all student billing. Please note that later this fall, we will be be providing upgraded services, including 2021-22 admissions contracts, renewals/re-enrollments, and student billing, through SchoolAdmin. This will take the place of PCR and will be accessible here. Watch for more information..


Powerschool  PowerSchool offers access to student schedules, report cards, and transcripts. New students and parents will receive PowerSchool account/login instructions later in the summer. 


Canvas Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that allows teachers to provide instructional support, class calendars, assignments, and resources for students in a safe online environment.


SchoolDoc SchoolDoc is our new, powerful and secure website to manage essential health-related data, along with other SMA parent authorizations that you can now complete online! It replaces PCR Forms.


High School FAQ


High School Daily Schedule


Digital Tutoring Services (we have 30 SMA High School students ready to help!)


High School Lunch Information


Naviance Naviance helps students reach their goals by developing skills critical for college, career and life.


St. Mary's Academy Prayer Requests Have any prayer requests? You can send them here confidentially and the SMA Prayer Group will pray for your intentions.


Athletics Teams & Schedules.


Athletics Calendar Includes all the games.


SMA latest news  Find out the latest news.


All Girls High School Full information about High School.


High School Academics Information about the curriculum.


High School Resources All the High School resources.


Volunteer opportunities All School volunteer opportunities.


SMA Apparel SMA Online Apparel Store is Always Open!


Performing Arts 


St. Mary’s Academy Important Dates 2020-21 Calendar of all school important dates


Inclement Weather Policy


Health Authority Updates:










4545 South University Boulevard
Englewood, CO 80113

(303) 762-8300





St. Mary's Academy 

High School




Bill Barrett


Iswari Natarajan
High School Principal


Pamela Applegate
High School Assistant Principal 

and Social Studies Teacher


Julie May


Phillip Gentry
Director of College Counseling/

Math HS 

© Copyright 2019 Adry Williams
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© Copyright 2019 Adry Williams


Tel.- 303.762.8300

4545 S. University Boulevard, 

Englewood, CO 80113

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