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  • Adry Williams

Attendance Policy

ATTENDANCE St. Mary’s Academy is a learning environment which values the contribution of every class member to each class meeting time.  Due to our intensified learning schedule, absences will negatively impact a student’s learning. Students take responsibility for absences which are accrued each semester, and should plan ahead to accommodate medical appointments or other personal needs. In order for absences to be excused, the following communication protocol must be followed:  ABSENCE If a student will be absent from school for a day or for any part of it, parents/guardians should call the school before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence providing reason for missing school.  

EXTENDED ABSENCE Pre-planned extended absence:  If a student will be absent from school for more than two days for reasons other than sickness, such as trip due to sports commitment outside of SMA, an Advanced Absence Form must be submitted to the Director of Student Life and Leadership at least two days prior to the student leaving school. Unexpected extended absence: If a student has an unexpected extended absence such as a prolonged illness/medical condition, family emergency, and/or other considerations, please inform the principal and the Director of Student Life and Leadership to help facilitate communication with teachers. 

If the above protocol of communication is not followed, the absence will be considered unexcused.  If a student has more than three unexcused absences in a quarter, she will be expected to participate in a conference with the principal and Director of Student Life and Leadership to address the attendance issues. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES: Students who miss six or more days in a quarter for any reason (excused or unexcused), will be expected to participate in a conference with the principal and Director of Student Life and Leadership to address the attendance issues.

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Tel.- 303.762.8300

4545 S. University Boulevard, 

Englewood, CO 80113

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